

*Participants who pay the fees starting with 06.05.2024 will receive the materials of the event within the available stock.


The dinner will take place on Saturday, May 31st, at the “Carul cu Bere” Restaurant, starting at 8:00 PM. Access to the dinner is available at an additional cost of 40 euros per person. Payment can be made online by selecting the optional service from the “Fees and Services” section, then proceeding to the “Payment” section and completing the transaction with a card.

Courses fees

Course: Emergency Medicine Core Competences

Course fee: 200 euro

The course will take place on May 29th and on May 30th.

The course is for: EM resident/specialist.

Registrations are made through the application, within the limit of 24 seats.

Course: Ultrasound for Emergency Medicine

Course: 150 euro

The course will take place on May 29th and on May 30th.

The course is for: resident/specialist.

Registrations are made through the application, within the limit of 40 seats.

Course: ED Mechanical Ventilation

Course fee: 150 euro

The course will take place on May 29th 2024.

The course is for: resident/specialist.

Registrations are made through the application, within the limit of 30 seats.

Course: Advance stroke life support

Course fee: 75 euro

The course will take place on May 29, 2024.

The course is for: resident/specialist, nurses, paramedics.

Registrations are made through the application, within the limit of 24 seats.

IMPORTANT! The official language of the course is ROMANIAN.

Course: Pre-hospital Trauma

Course: 150 euro

The course will take place on May 29th and on May 30th.

The course is for: residents/specialist, nurses.

Registrations are made through the application, within the limit of 24 seats.

The fees will be paid to Eventer.Net account: RO34 BACX 0000 0011 0946 0000, opened at UniCredit Bank Iasi. VAT number: RO 26964360. Please specify on the payment document: “SEEEMDC 2024 – Participation Fee.”

Until the date of 05.05.2024 (inclusive), the participation fee can be refunded (minus bank fees) upon the participant’s request. Starting from 06.05.2024, the participation fee is non-refundable.

The congress participation fee includes:
• badge and participation diploma with EMC credits;
• congress materials bag (only for participants registered until May 5th);
• access to scientific sessions;
• access to coffee breaks;
• access to meals provided by the organizers.

The amount stated in the table as the fee corresponds to the net sum that must be collected by the organizer. Bank commissions associated with the transaction are the responsibility of the payer. Thank you!

Methods of registration for the congress and/or courses:

Please register for the event online by accessing the Registration section. After registration, you can access My Account using the username and password established in the form.

Your event registration will be validated after the full payment of the reserved services, either through online card payment or by bank transfer to Eventer account.
A copy of the document confirming the payment via bank transfer can be submitted using one of the following methods:
• by completing the “Payments” section in the My Account area;
• by email, as a scanned document attached to the email, sent to: